Monday, December 26, 2011

one third of people in NZ believe in Aliens and UFOs!

One third of all New Zealanders believe that extraterrestrials visit the earth and a majority believes in psychic powers, as a study showed. It was in New Zealand in the past several UFO phenomena.

Of 1,000 respondents were about 33 percent convinced that the aliens were already on the earth, from the Maoris believed it at the 42 percent and 40 percent of Pasifika.

The number of UFO believers among the 30 - to 44-year-old with 36 percent of the largest and falls among respondents aged 60 and over, down to 26 percent. 55 percent of them also believe that at least some people can exercise a special psychic power.

1 comment:

  1. many people believes...question is why only some part of our globe are visited by aliens and other not?
