Friday, December 23, 2011

Manises UFO incident

The event starred as a company Supercaravelle TAE (Aerial Work and Links), now defunct. This flight, the JK-297 with 109 passengers, came from Salzburg ( Austria ) and had been at Mallorca before moving towards Tenerife .
Halfway and 11 at night, the pilot Francisco Javier Lerdo de Tejada and his crew saw two red lights on their way to the aircraft itself. These lights came to be within half a mile (the minimum distance is 10 miles airways) and on a collision course. The commander asked about the strange lights, but neither the military radar of Torrejón de Ardoz ( Madrid ) or the control center of Barcelona were able to explain the phenomenon.
To avoid a possible collision, the captain raised his apparatus, but the lights did the same and placed in just half a mile from the plane. The impossibility of making a maneuver to sidestep caused the commander being forced to divert its course and make an emergency landing at Valencia Airport. It was the first time in history that a commercial airliner was forced to make an emergency landing due to a presence UFO , as the unidentified was violating all the basic safety standards.
The lights stopped the pursuit before landing. Three unidentified forms were detected by the radar and airport staff Manises. The size of this luminous form was estimated at about 200 m in diameter, and was observed by numerous witnesses. One of the strange forms passed very close to the runway. He even came to turn the emergency lights in anticipation of a flight that was not registered in trouble.
Already the next day, about 0.40 hours, a Mirage F-1 took off from the nearby Air Base in Los Llanos ( Albacete ) in order to identify the phenomenon. The pilot, Fernando Camara, an Air Force captain, had to increase its speed to 1.4 Mach to finally distinguish a frustoconical shape that changed color, but soon the device out of sight. The pilot was informed of a new echo of the radar , which indicated that a new object, or perhaps it was on Sagunto . When the pilot got close enough, the object accelerated and disappeared again. But this time, the object was detected by radar outside a continuous wave particularly those used as missiles. In terms of defense this is considered an aggressive operation. Finally, the same thing happened a third time, and this time the UFO disappeared definitely heading for Africa . After an hour and a half of persecution, and because of the lack of fuel, the pilot had to return to their base without results.
The reports prepared by the Ministry of Defence of Spain includes a sighting of an anonymous witness on November 11, 1979, the same morning from the bus stop San Adrian de Besos Barcelona-Granollers bus, at the junction with the road of Barcelona to Mataro , about 20h 15mn, with several others waiting for the bus. The testimony states that three or four minutes after the area was dark. Drawing included in his letter to the Ministry. This also includes the report of the Ministry of Defense a reference to a news article in the Pueblo Journal of the day November 21, 1979, on an observation of a light mechanic Soller, with photographs included, taken the same morning of the day November 12, 1979.
The record of the anomalous presence in Spanish airspace, was declassified in 1994 but unfortunately not completely.

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