Saturday, December 3, 2011

Alien life in a Black Hole?

A black hole is an astronomical object, near which the gravity is extremely strong. There is an inner region of space in which the distorted space-time is so strong that nothing can go from inside to outside. It corresponds to the limit at which the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. The limit of this range is called the event horizon. He is greater, the greater the mass of a black hole is.
The term "black hole" was coined in 1967 by John Archibald Wheeler, referring to the fact that there is a curvature singularity of spacetime ("hole") and that electromagnetic waves such as visible light, leave the event horizon can not and it a human eye therefore appears entirely black.
In fact, explains Professor Vyacheslav I. Dokuchaev from the "Institute for Nuclear Research" at the Russian "Academy of Sciences" in Moscow in advance on "" Black holes possess a highly complex internal structure that could make it possible for photons, particles and even whole planets could revolve around local singularities on stable orbits. In astrophysics it is called "singularities" if the observed masses and the space-time into a single point or in an unspecified physical condition of very small extent, but also coincide with extremely high density.

While the interior of charged and rotating black holes in space and time are first spun by each other, so it could under certain circumstances to give the center regions, which exist in space and time and again in a stable form. To this end, such a black hole would only be big enough so that the tidal forces are weakened at the so-called "event horizon", so that boundary, attracted by the inevitably from all of the black hole and even light can not escape.
Recent measurements suggest that the black holes located in galactic centers are older than their galaxies. An international research team presented these observations carried out on large telescopes at a conference of the American Astronomical Society in Long Beach, California and explained. Among the used radio telescopes were located including the Very Large Array and the interferometer on the Plateau de Bure. In these studies were also members of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in Germany involved. We investigated specifically the time of the first billion years after the Big Bang, which dates back to today's calculations, about 13.7 billion years. In examining the evolution of the mass of black holes and their surrounding galaxies, they went out of the previous assumption that the mass ratios regardless of the size is always a thousandth. They found that this ratio during the first billion years of change. The mass fraction of black holes was originally much larger. This means that black holes existed before galaxies formed. The later phases of this calculated mass constant implies also indicate a close interplay between the two cosmic entities.

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