Thursday, January 5, 2012

What you need to know about Nibiru

Entries in Babylonian cuneiform tablets prompted the research to speculation whether the deity Nibiru or a celestial object represents a particular constellation in the night sky. In the bulleted Nibiru is mentioned at various points in connection with astronomical phenomenon positions of stars and planets. The individual stars or planets were subject to it not fixed allocations. Ea was the star of the example described at various points of revelation, which was either named as star of the sailing ship, or Venus. Similar assignments were told the other stars of the gods, so also certain celestial coordinates are in question, which appeared on the stars of the gods. The majority of historians in Nibiru comes from heaven by a moving object. For the assignment as equating with planets or comets are far apart from the speculation. Jupiter, Canopus, Venus, the phenomenon of trans-Neptunian object and the comet Halley are touted as possible candidates for Nibiru. 
In a text concerning the Babylonian Akitu-fests are in the ritual questioning on 5 Nisannu the revered deities described: The celebration of the 5th Nisannu began 4 hours before the end of the night and with the same initial ceremonies of the 4th Nisannu. Instead of blessing formula Pegasus now the words were spoken: Dimmer ankia as a decision of the fates, Nunki as speaker of wisdom, Asari (Marduk) as Schenker of cultivated land, Jupiter as a signal generator, Mercury as a rain bringer, Saturn as truth and justice, Mars, Bringer of wild fire, Sirius as exploration of the sea water, boat, as the Lord of Enlil, Nenegar arise out of itself, as a bringer of calm Numušda incessant rain, the chest of the scorpion as a topcoat over the sea, sun and moon all men. Is there any other God but my God? ... [Waiting for response] ... No? No one is like my god

Body of 'dead alien' is found in Siberia

See this shocking picture of a dead alien in the snow

The Kardashev scale - calculation of alien life

The Kardashev scale is a Russian astronomer Nikolai Kardaschow from the 1964 level of development proposed categorization of extraterrestrial civilizations by their energy consumption.
In its basic form it has three categories, are classified in the civilizations on the basis of their energy production.
Type I: The civilization that is at the technological level of the current [ 1964] Earth with an energy consumption of 4.1012 W. This was later changed then that civilization is in a position to exploit the full power available on a planet. This is about 1016-1017 W. (For the Earth, this value is slightly larger than 1.74 · 1017 W).
Type II: Civilization is in a position to take advantage of the overall performance of their central star. That's about 4.1026 W.
Type III: Civilization is in a position to take advantage of the overall performance of a galaxy. That's about 4.1037 W.
Human civilization is currently below Type I, since we are only able to use a portion of the available power on earth. To replace the consumption of limited fossil resources through a wider use of solar energy, it also requires the humanity still significant development steps. The current status of human civilization is unofficially known as type 0th Although intermediate values ​​in Kardaschows original proposal were not available, Carl Sagan, the current status of the people extrapolated to 0.7.
A possible key factor for the jump to Type I civilization is the massive use of methods of generating energy from ocean, wind power, solar energy and the use of geothermal energy. However, there is no known way to use the entire available capacity of the earth, without completely covered with artificial structures. In the medium term this is probably an impossible task. The growth of solar energy production during the last 20 years corresponds to a doubling every 18 months. If this trend would continue unchanged, I would, that is human civilization in 2041 a complete Type I civilization, and in 2113 achieved the status of a Type II civilization.
A hypothetical Type II civilization could use a Dyson sphere or a similar construct to use the full power of a star.
A Type III civilization could use the same methods as a Type II civilization, but extended to all stars of a galaxy, or it makes use of previously unknown agents.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

planet zeeba and the visit from outta space

Aliens from Planet Zeeba were spotted walking in the brazilian jungle.

There were a lot of  reports of aliens spotted in the jungles of Brazil.   Several of the aliens were caught on camera by two British tourists visiting the Mamaus region of the Amazon.
Standing just a few meters from a mesmerizing flashing light, were several children of the Amazon. Real aliens.

Alien made pyramids in China

Alien made pyramids in China

According to Bruce Cathie, the U.S. pilot James Gaussman will in 1945 southwest during a reconnaissance or cross-country flight in the Qin Ling Shan mountain range have been reported from Xi'an on a pyramid ofan estimated 300 meters and 400 to 450 m edge length.
researchers such as Erich von Däniken and Hartwig Hausdorf of the existence of the pyramid are satisfied.They also suggest a connection with extraterrestrial intelligences in the emergence of the pyramid.


Maoling Mausoleum 1: size 222 x 217 m, 34 ° 20'17 .71 "108 ° 34'10 .68" E

Pyramid 6: size 153 x 158 m34 ° 21'47 .45 "108 ° 37'51 .52" E

Pyramid 7: Size 149 x 155 m34 ° 21'42 .57 "108 ° 38'25 .77" E

Pyramid 11: Size 155 x 154 m34 ° 22'29 .88 "108 ° 41'52 .78" E

Pyramid 15: size 219 x 230 m, 34 ° 23'52 .57 "108 ° 42'44 .30" E

Pyramid 25: Size 148 x 169 m 34 ° 25'22 .83 "108 ° 50'29 .31" E

Pyramids 31, 32, 33: Maximum 160 x 167 m34 ° 10'44 .71 "109 ° 01'42 .00" E

Pyramids and the aliens

Only aliens could have built the pyramids, because:

How the Egyptians managed to build their massive pyramids?
Why were they built? Was it really just graves?
Why are there pyramids all over the world?
How could primitive Stone Age people build structures like Stonehenge?
What were the mysterious temples and stone circles?
What, many strange images are of ancient peoples who see modern equipment like?

- All this is simply not without extraterrestrial help!

Interview with a real alien from Area 51

a supposed alien interview from area 51 described by "Victor"

Member of German parliaments demands claification about aliens

The Member of Parliament Peter Hettlich (Green Party), the Federal Government asked a few questions aboutextraterrestrials. It went to concrete questions of how high the federal government estimates the probability for the "existence of intelligent extraterrestrial beings" and what the likelihood is that this "land territory of the Federal Republic of Germany" on the. Next it was whether the federal government is prepared for such a case, gives guidelines and regulations and how the responsibilities between federal, state and local governments are regulated in this case. The response of the German Government: The federal government is not known, a reliable estimate of the probability of extraterrestrial life would allow. An alien landing on the territory of the Federal Republic ofGermany holds the federal government, according to current scientific knowledge of the question.

NASA proofs alien life on Saturn Moon?

The U.S. space agency NASA is currently conducting research on Saturn and its moons, Titan and Enceladus.Thomas Spilker, a researcher at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said that they expect there even extraterrestrial life.

The NASA officials described the surface as the young and the moon to be very active. There are ongoingchemical processes that can lead to life or have already done.

Cydonia - Human face on Mars? Aliens on Mars?

On 25 July 1976, the orbiter photographed the spacecraft Viking I from 1873 km altitude of at least three million year old formation that resembles a human face. It provides a survey with a length of 3 km and a width of 1.5kilometers south of this rise dar. pyramidal rock.
Six days later, the recordings, among other images, presented to the public and made headlines. The anomalywas given by the press due to their form the name of the Face on Mars and the pyramid-like structures were given by NASA scientists called the Inca city.
Higher-resolution images of the Mars Global Surveyor from 2001 showed, however, that it is the supposed facea strongly weathered nearly axisymmetric rock formation that has been eroded by natural processes, the similarity with a human face was most likely caused by the interaction of light and shadow at the time ofadmission about. The shapes of the "pyramids" are also likely to be caused by wind erosion.

UFO sightings - the cigar-shaped object was in Laredo, Texas,

"If it's a UFO, it is those who have seen one of the strangest people ever. At least for the appointment to oureditorial board this afternoon.
Check this flying object in the sky over Laredo in the early afternoon. It seems a long black cylinder or tube, in flight. Some have even described it as silver in color sometimes. The audience think it is about the size of a small plane, but clearly shaped tube. Again, as in other recent sightings believe some people that there is adrone. Whatever it was, it caught the attention of many people in north Laredo. "

Subsequent speculation about an alien spaceship and its occupants

In February 1978, Major Jesse Marcel was interviewed by the UFO researcher Stanton T. Friedman. Friedman was surprised that Marcel is no record was made ​​on events in Roswell and the ground that time there were more important to him and therefore he had supplanted the events from his memory. In an interview with Bob Pratt in 1979, Marcel said, though, that "what has always found there, came not from the earth", but in the meantime - and he also mentioned in the interview with Pratt - he believed in the existence of real UFOs in the sense of alien spaceships.
Berlitz and Moore argued in 1980 in the Roswell incident, that there had been a crashed object is an alien space ship and atthe crash site, an alien body was found, which was held by the military to the famous Area 51 located in Nevada. However,knew none of the eyewitnesses of 1947 something to report about dead aliens. The former mortician Glenn Dennis brought as a witness, the nurse Naomi Maria Selff into play, which had reportedly seen in the summer of 1947 corpses of aliens in thehospital of the Army airfield in Roswell.


US Government ADMITS UFOs

US Government ADMITS UFOs - Alien contact disclosed in Press Conference
Shocking video proofs the US deal with Aliens from outta space

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stephen Hawking: It is dangerous to contact aliens!

The British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has no doubts about the existence of extraterrestrials, and warns against contact. "In my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," said the 68-year-olds in the documentary series "Into The Universe with Stephen Hawking" on Channel Discovery Channel. "The real challenge is figuring out what aliens really are."

The universe was calculated 100 billion galaxies with hundreds of millions of stars, Hawking from the viewers. In such a space, it is unlikely that the Earth is the only planet on which there is life. Most extraterrestrial life might correspond to microbes and simple animals. They would probably pounce move over the earth's resources and said the scientist.

Making contact with such a species is "a little too risky," said the astrophysicist. "If aliens ever visit us, the output is, I think, be like the landing of Christopher Columbus in America, what the natives did not go out very well."

Volcano near Bonn will soon explode- one of many signs announcing the arrival of ufo

According to the Daily Mail, dormant for several thousands years the German`s volcano shows signs of revival. Activity was observed on the surface of the lake kalderowego Laacher in Rhineland-Palatinate, 24 km from Koblenz and 37 km from Bonn (pictured). It was created by the flooding of the caldera - the great depression in the top part of the volcano. On the surface of Laacher See bubbles appeared. This is probably carbon dioxide, which began to be released from the magma chamber, located at the bottom.
Volcano in Lake Laacher regularly wakes up at about 10-12 thousand years and the last eruption took place just before 12 thousand years. Its size is compared with the active volcano Mount Pinatubo , located in the Philippines . The eruption in 1991 lasted a week and went down in history as the greatest of the twentieth century. Caused a reduction in global temperatures by 0.5 degrees Celsius.
It is estimated that after the eruption of the Laacher See layer of dust and rocks would cover the area within a radius of up to 1000 km, which means that the cloud of dust would come to UK, Poland, Czech Republic and many other countries . This could result in paralysis, not only communication but also a permanent change in the climate of the Old Continent.

Is it means starting a series of catastrophes that precedes the arrival of extraterrestrials???

The presence of traces of life in meteorites

In the study of carbon (carbonaceous) meteorites show in their composition of matter, which on Earth are the products of life.

In the study of the stony meteorites are sometimes found so-called "organized elements" - the microscopic (5-50 um) "unicellular" education, often with a pronounced double-walled, pores, pimples, etc.

To date, not an indisputable fact that these fossils belong to the remains of any of extraterrestrial life forms. But on the other hand, these formations have a high degree of organization, which is usually associated with life.

Feature of the "organized elements" is also their numbers: 1, the substances carbonaceous meteorites have approximately 1800 "organized elements". 

In August 1996 in the journal Science published an article on the study of the meteorite ALH 84 001 , found in Antarctica in 1984. Isotope dating showed that the meteorite originated 4-4.5 billion years ago, and 15 million years ago was thrown out into interplanetary space. 13 000 years ago a meteorite fell to Earth. By studying the meteorite using electron microscopy , the scientists found microscopic fossils that resemble bacterial colonies, consisting of parts of size about 100 nm. Were also found traces of substances formed by decomposition of microorganisms. The work was greeted with mixed scientific community. Critics noted that the size of structures found in the 100-1000 times smaller than typical terrestrial bacteria, and their volume is too small to accommodate molecules of DNA and RNA . In subsequent studies in the samples had traces of terrestrial biozagryazneny. In general, the arguments in favor of the formation are fossils of bacteria seem unconvincing.

Original statement of the UFO eye witness Guy Hottel from Roswell

Original statement of the UFO eye witness Guy Hottel from Roswell - He saw the aliens.
Look at this original FBI document: