Thursday, November 17, 2011

Neuschwabenland - Mystical Nazi Base or really the shelter for Alien creatures - Nazi Ufo?

Neuschwabenland - Mystical Nazi Base or really the shelter for Alien creatures


Reich flying discs, also round aircraft, fire ball, discus, Haunebu, Hauneburg device VRIL, ball lightning, Andromeda device, Project "The Bell", Repulsine (Repulsator), Flugkreisel or shot gun are saucer-shapedaircraft, spacecraft, and in myths, Science fiction, and conspiracy theories and comics appear to have beenbuilt according to those in the Nazi Reich and tested. Historically and technically no evidence is known,however, the theme appears in the pseudo-scientific literature as an example of "Nazi technology"occasionally.

Similarly, the issue of parts of the extreme right was taken. This mix an esoteric and a Nazi discourse in a peculiar manner: the former SS officer Wilhelm Landig describes in his novels the topic of flying disks, whichSS men had fled to the Antarctic (Neuschwabenland) to their fight against Freemasonry to continue. The German-Canadian Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel wrote under the pseudonym Christof Friedrich also has two books on this myth.

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