Sunday, September 4, 2011

So called Moon Landings

Here the overview of the so-called moon landings the NASA claims for them:

Human Moon Landings according to Wikipedia (Mainstream media):

Mission NameLunar LanderLunar Landing DateLunar Blastoff DateLunar Landing SiteDuration on Lunar SurfaceCrewNumber of EVAsTotal EVA Time
Apollo 11EagleJuly 20, 1969July 21, 1969Sea of Tranquility21:31Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin12:31
Apollo 12IntrepidNovember 19, 1969November 21, 1969Ocean of Storms1 day, 7:31Charles "Pete" Conrad, Alan Bean27:45
Apollo 14AntaresFebruary 5, 1971February 6, 1971Fra Mauro1 day, 9:30Alan B. Shepard, Edgar Mitchell29:21
Apollo 15FalconJuly 30, 1971August 3, 1971Hadley Rille2 days, 18:55David Scott, James Irwin318:33
Apollo 16OrionApril 21, 1972April 24, 1972Descartes Highlands2 days, 23:02John W. Young, Charles Duke320:14
Apollo 17ChallengerDecember 11, 1972December 14, 1972Taurus-Littrow3 days, 2:59Eugene Cernan, Harrison H. "Jack" Schmitt322:04

one can verify the source here:


Now: Please tell me, if all of that is so easy then why WAS THERE NO OTHER MOON LANDING since 1 9 7 2 ? ? ?
Probably it would be much more difficult nowadays to cheat the public about it.
My dear men on the moon: if it was possible in 1969 it should be a childen's game to do a moon landing nowadays. Is there someone who can explain that to me :-)

and now can you explain why
the flag is flapping on the moon
without wind and atmosphere?!
The answer is: there was never ever any moon landing. that is all propaganda


  1. This is propaganda ... there was no landing on the moon-it was about winning the so-called war with the Russians;the problem is that too many people were involved in these operations and a lot of money, because the truth will never be made ​​public;it's all one big manipulation ...
    Ben A.

  2. all stupid moon stuff. there is no lunar moon

  3. La lune tourne autour de la Terre au cours d'une moyenne de 27 jours, 7 heures et 43,7 minutes par rapport aux étoiles fixes d'ouest en est dans le même sens de rotation, la Terre tourne sur son axe. Du point de vue d'un observateur terrestre, il tournait autour de la terre à cause du mouvement relatif de sa rotation beaucoup plus rapide en apparence en un jour - ainsi que les étoiles fixes et les planètes du soleil. En ce qui concerne la surface de sorte qu'il fonctionne dans le sens inverse par rapport aux étoiles fixes, et son ascension est le même que ces autres corps célestes dans l'Est, sa disparition en Occident. Depuis le mouvement orbital de la Lune a le même sens direct de rotation que la rotation de la Terre, l'orbite de la terre de son apparente prend 50 minutes de plus de 24 heures. Cette différence s'ajoute au cours d'un mois à un jour où la lune se déroule à ce moment une orbite vraie.
    Les chemins apparente de la lune et le soleil ont un parcours similaire, depuis l'orbite lunaire est incliné légèrement à l'écliptique. Pour un observateur sur l'hémisphère nord que de 5,2 ° au nord du tropique de la lune et le soleil sont à leurs points de plus de chemin (point culminant) dans le Sud, pour un observateur dans l'hémisphère sud environ 5,2 degrés au sud du tropique du Capricorne, dans le nord. Les structures de surface apparaissent en comparaison de l'hémisphère nord à l'envers. Le diamètre apparent de la Lune varie légèrement selon la distance entre 30 'et un bon 34' autour d'une moyenne d'environ 32 minutes d'arc, et ainsi de près ressemble à celle du soleil.

  4. The moon orbits the earth in the course of an average of 27 days, 7 hours and 43.7 minutes in relation to the fixed stars from west to east in the same direction of rotation, the Earth rotates on its axis. From the perspective of an earthly observer, he orbited the earth due to the relative movement of its much faster rotation seemingly in one day - as well as the fixed stars and the planets of the sun. With respect to the surface so it runs in the opposite direction with respect to the fixed stars, and his ascent is the same as these other celestial bodies in the East, his demise in the West. Since the orbital motion of the moon has the same, direct sense of rotation as the rotation of the Earth, its apparent earth's orbit takes 50 minutes longer than 24 hours. This difference adds up over the course of a month to a day when the moon takes place at this time a true orbit.
    The apparent paths of the moon and sun have a similar course, since the moon's orbit is inclined only slightly to the ecliptic. To an observer on the northern hemisphere than 5.2 ° north of the Tropic of moon and sun are at their highest path points (culmination) in the South, for an observer in the southern hemisphere about 5.2 degrees south of the Tropic of Capricorn in the north. The surface structures appear in comparison to the northern hemisphere upside. The apparent diameter of the moon varies slightly depending on distance between 30 'and a good 34' around an average of about 32 'arc minutes, and so nearly resembles that of the sun.
