Saturday, September 24, 2011

Facts concerning Astronaut Neil Armstrong and his moon landing

 Neil Alden Armstrong (* August 5, 1930, at Wapakoneta, Ohio, USA) is a former American test pilot and astronaut. He was the first man on the moon. During training for the lunar landing Armstrong escaped on 6 May 1968 in the crash of a lunar landing training device (Lunar Landing Training Vehicle) is just death. When the moon landing with his colleague Buzz Aldrin on 20 July 1969, he took over manual control of the lunar module Eagle and steered her away from rocky terrain to a safe landing at 21:17 clock (UTC). His first words from the moon to the earth station, "Houston, Tranquility Base here were. The Eagle has landed. "Six hours later he climbed into the early morning hours of 21 July of the lunar module. Neil Armstrong set foot on 21 July 1969 at 02:56:20 Clock (UTC) as the first man to the moon's surface. The result was one of the most famous slip of the story: Armstrong had intended the words That's one small step for a man, one giant step for mankind (GV "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind")failed to speak, but because of the hardships and excitement of the pronunciation of a single vowel (a) and gave the set to an unintended meaning: "That's one small step for man ... one giant leap for mankind ...." "That's one small step for man ... one ... giant leap for mankind." Armstrong admitted only during an interview for the book Chariots for Apollo (1986) - After many years of various reports, and evidence of alleged evidence to the contrary - its the first time a slip of the tongue. The tremendous scientific and cultural significance of the first moon landing turned his slip of the tongue, but in the shade, and though he provided no lines accurately reproduced, they are among the world's most famous words that a human has ever spoken. Armstrong allegedly said, before he returned to the lunar module, yet the sentence Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky. Armstrong himself has denied this urban legend in 1995. For his performance, Armstrong later received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

尼尔阿姆斯特朗奥尔登(* 1930年8月5日,在沃帕科内塔,俄亥俄,美国)是前美国试飞员和宇航员。他是在月球上的第一人。在训练的阿姆斯特朗登月逃脱6可在一个月球着陆训练设备(农历登陆训练车辆)1968年崩溃只是死亡。当与他的同事对20奥尔德林登月1969年7月,他接管了手动控制登月舱鹰和带领她远离岩石地形,在21:17时钟(UTC)安全着陆。从月球到地球站,他第一句话就是,“休斯顿,这里是宁静海基地。鹰已降落。“六小时后,他爬上21凌晨7月的登月舱。尼尔阿姆斯特朗定于21英尺1969年7月在2点56分20秒时钟作为第一位在月球表面(UTC)。其结果是故事的最有名的滑之一:阿姆斯特朗曾打算的话这是一个男人的一小步,人类一大步之一(GV“这是一个人的一小步,人类一大步之一”)没有说话,但由于艰辛与单个元音(一)发音兴奋又给设置为一个意外的含义: “这是一小步,人类的人... ...一个巨大的飞跃...." “这是一小步,对人类之一... ...为人类的一大步。” 阿姆斯特朗在接受采访时坦言只为阿波罗(1986年)书战车 - 经过多年的各种报告和证据的指控证据,相反 - 它的第一次漏了嘴。在巨大的科学和文化的第一个登陆月球的意义变成了他的口误,但在树荫下,虽然他没有提供准确再现线,他们是世界上最有名的词,一个人类有史以来发言。 据称,阿姆斯特朗说,以前他回到登月舱,但句子好运,先生Gorsky。阿姆斯特朗本人也否认了1995年这个城市的传奇。 对于他的表现,阿姆斯特朗后来获得了总统自由勋章。

นีลอาร์มสตรอง Alden (* 5 สิงหาคม 1930 ที่ Wapakoneta, โอไฮโอประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา) เป็นนักบินทดสอบชาวอเมริกันและอดีตนักบินอวกาศ เขาเป็นชายคนแรกบนดวงจันทร์ ระหว่างการฝึกอบรมสำหรับการเชื่อมโยงไปถึงดวงจันทร์หนีอาร์มสตรองวันที่ 6 พฤษภาคม 1968 ในความผิดพลาดของอุปกรณ์เชื่อมโยงไปถึงการฝึกอบรมทางจันทรคติ (Landing ยานพาหนะท​​างจันทรคติการฝึกอบรม) เป็นเพียงความตาย เมื่อเชื่อมโยงไปถึงดวงจันทร์กับเพื่อนร่วมงานของ Buzz Aldrin ของเขาเมื่อ 20 กรกฎาคม 1969 เขาเอาเหนือการควบคุมคู่มือของดวงจันทร์ Eagle และ steered เธอไปจากสภาพภูมิประเทศของหินที่จะเชื่อมโยงไปถึงความปลอดภัยที่นาฬิกา 21:17 (UTC)คำแรกของเขาจากดวงจันทร์ไปยังสถานี Earth,"ฮูสตัน, บริเวณ tranquility ที่นี่ถูก. อีเกิลมีที่ดิน."หกชั่วโมงต่อมาเขาก็ปีนขึ้นลงในเวลาตอนเช้าของ 21 กรกฎาคมของโมดูลดวงจันทร์ Neil Armstrong ตั้งเท้าบน 21 กรกฎาคม 1969 เวลา 02:56:20 นาฬิกา (UTC) เป็นคนแรกที่พื้นผิวของดวงจันทร์ ผลที่ได้เป็นหนึ่งในสลิปที่มีชื่อเสียงที่สุดของเรื่องราว : อาร์มสตรองได้ตั้งใจคำที่หนึ่งขั้นตอนเล็ก ๆ สำหรับคนเป็นหนึ่งขั้นตอนยักษ์สำหรับมนุษย์ (GV"นั่นคือขั้นตอนเดียวขนาดเล็กสำหรับคนหนึ่งกระโดดยักษ์สำหรับมนุษย์") ล้มเหลวในการ พูด แต่เป็นเพราะความยากลำบากและความตื่นเต้นของการออกเสียงของสระเดี่ยว (ก) และให้ตั้งค่าให้เป็นความหมายที่ไม่ได้ตั้งใจ :"นั่นคือขั้นตอนเดียวขนาดเล็กสำหรับคน ... หนึ่งกระโดดยักษ์สำหรับมนุษย์ ...." "นั่นคือขั้นตอนเดียวขนาดเล็กสำหรับคน ... หนึ่ง ... กระโดดยักษ์สำหรับมนุษย์." อาร์มสตรองเข้ารับการรักษาเฉพาะในระหว่างการสัมภาษณ์สำหรับ Chariots หนังสือสำหรับ Apollo (1986) -- หลังจากหลายปีของรายงานต่างๆและพบหลักฐานของหลักฐานที่ถูกกล่าวหาที่ขัด -- เวลาที่ใบแรกของลิ้น ความสำคัญทางวิทยาศาสตร์และทางวัฒนธรรมอันยิ่งใหญ่ของเชื่อมโยงไปถึงดวงจันทร์เป็นครั้งแรกของเขาเปิดสลิปของลิ้น แต่ในที่ร่ม, และแม้ว่าเขาไม่มีเส้นให้ทำซ้ำได้อย่างถูกต้องพวกเขาจะมีระหว่างคำที่มีชื่อเสียงที่สุดของโลกที่มนุษย์เคยได้พูด อาร์มสตรองกล่าวที่ถูกกล่าวหาว่าก่อนที่เขาจะกลับไปที่โมดูลของดวงจันทร์ยังประโยคที่โชคดี, นาย Gorsky อาร์มสตรองตัวเองได้ปฏิเสธตำนานเมืองนี้ในปี 1995การแสดงของเขาในภายหลังอาร์มสตรองได้รับเหรียญประธานาธิบดีของ Freedom

Rumors about new Moon Landings

Rumors occur that NASA is planning to go to the Moon again in 2012. More info to come

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Was genau ist ein MOND eigentlich??

Ein natürlicher Satellit oder Mond ist ein Himmelskörper, dass ein Planet oder kleiner Körper, die ihren primären genannt wird umkreist. Die beiden Begriffe werden synonym für nicht-künstliche Satelliten von Planeten, von Zwergplaneten und von Kleinplaneten verwendet. Ab Juli 2009 gibt 336 Stellen formal als Monde klassifiziert [Bearbeiten]. Dazu gehören 168 umkreisen sechs der acht Planeten, sieben umkreisen drei der fünf Zwergplaneten, 104 Asteroiden Monde, und 58 Satelliten des Trans-Neptun-Objekte, von denen einige wahrscheinlich herausstellen Zwergplaneten werden. Rund 150 zusätzliche kleine Körper wurden innerhalb Ringe des Saturn beobachtet, aber sie waren nicht verfolgt lang genug, um Bahnen zu etablieren. Planeten um andere Sterne sind wahrscheinlich natürlichen Satelliten sowie zu haben, obwohl bisher keine beobachtet wurden.

Neunzehn Monde sind groß genug, um rund zu sein, und eine, Titan, hat einen wesentlichen Atmosphäre. Von den inneren Planeten, Merkur und Venus haben keine Monde, die Erde hat einen großen Mond, wie der Mond bekannt, und Mars hat zwei kleine Monde, Phobos und Deimos. Die große Gasriesen haben umfangreiche Systeme der Monde, darunter ein halbes Dutzend der Größe vergleichbar mit Erdmond: Die vier Galileischen Monde, Saturn ist Titan und Neptuns Triton. Saturn hat weitere sechs mittelgroßen Monde massiv genug erreicht hydrostatischen Gleichgewicht, und Uranus hat fünf. Es wurde vermutet, dass ein paar Monde, vor allem Europa, einer der Galileischen Monde des Jupiter, kann Leben beherbergen, obwohl es derzeit keine direkten Beweise für diese Behauptung zu untermauern. Die Erde-Mond-System ist einzigartig, da das Verhältnis der Masse des Mondes um die Erde sehr viel größer als alle anderen Planeten-Mond-Verhältnis im Sonnensystem ist, und die Mondbahn in Bezug auf die Sonne ist immer konkav. Unter den Zwergplaneten hat Ceres keine Monde. Pluto ist der relativ große Mond Charon und drei kleinere Monde. Haumea hat zwei Monde, und Eris hat einen. Die Pluto-Charon-System ist insofern ungewöhnlich, als das Zentrum der Masse im freien Raum zwischen den beiden, eine Eigenschaft eines Doppel-Planeten-System liegt

Thursday, September 15, 2011

More info on the MOON

 Since the moon is billions of years faithful companion of the earth. Current theories suggest that it arose as a celestial body the size of Mars collided with Earth grazing. It was a lot of matter, mainly from the crust and themantle of the impacting body, hurled into orbit, there clenched together and eventually formed the moon.According to this theory, the Pacific would be a remnant of this collision.
Findings are well established, however, as the moon has an influence on life on Earth. First, it is time for aclock unit - the month. In about a month, he orbited the earth that is. He is also - along with the sun - also responsible for the tides. Greatly simplifies formulated, the moon causes on his side facing the Earth has ahigh water level, because the mass of the moon attracts the water of the oceans. Reverses its attraction to the opposite side of the earth is low. There, the water rises due to the centrifugal force of Earth's rotation. This results in both sides of the ground water levels high and the earth rotates to some extent under the latter. Withthe different distribution of land masses is of course in reality this is difficult and various other factors such asthe coastline affect tides effective in one place. The biggest effect of this rough model can still explain.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Apollo 19

unconfirmed sources tell us that NASA is planning another trip to the Moon called Apollo 19


What did the man do after being found guilty of sabotaging the moonmission?
He Apollo-gized.

blondes on the moon?

Two blondes living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking ... and one blonde says to the other, "Which do you think is farther away ... Florida or the moon?"

The other blonde turns and says "Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida ...?"

Color of the moon

Zwei Betrunkene verlassen ein Lokal. Sie beginnen zu diskutieren welche Farbe der Mond hat. Der eine meint grün und der andere sagt er wäre blau. Nach einer Weile sagt der eine: "Weisst du was? Fragen wir doch den Polizisten da vorne, der wird es wissen." 

Gesagt getan. Sie gehen zum Polizisten und fragen ihn: "Herr Wachtmeister welche Farbe hat der Mond grün oder blau?" 

Der Wachtmeister dreht sich um und antwortet: "Ja welchen Mond meint ihr denn? Den rechten oder den linken?

Interview with Ben Anderson's brother Neil Anderson uncensored

Neil: Thanks for having me. I am Neil Anderson, the brother of the deceased Astronaut Ben Anderson who was killed by the US Government.

Tell us why you believe that

Neil: Well the US Government claims he was killed in a plane crash above the Pacific. But the Quantas flight they spoke about never happened. Also there was no single piece of the aircraft found. My brother went on this Apollo 18 mission and never returned. If aliens killed him, like suggested in the Apollo 18 movie, or if he just had an accident while being there on the moon we shall never know until the US Government finally releases the documents.

Did you go to court to get access to the documents

Neil: Yes I did. but the court rejected the law suit and never ruled. I assume they had direct orders from Washington to do so. But the US Government paid me 1 Mio USD in my bank account. I found that insulting and donated the money to an organization like Wikileaks in order to uncover the wrong doings of the US Regime. All actors like Reagan I tell you.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Interview with Ben Anderson's brother Neil Anderson

Neil Anderson, the brother of the former Astronaut Ben Anderson gave us an interview outside the NASA building in the USA. He spoke about the way his brother died in space (on the moon) and how the government tried to cover his death. Actually he learned about his brothers space death over the phone. More details about this and the Apollo 18 mission will be added soon

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Motif for faking the so called Moon Landings Apollo 1-18

Motif 1For the Americans, was a technological "victory" as an important demonstration of power against the Soviet Union. The political opponents of the United States have used the alleged forgery of the moon landing but not politically. The Soviet Union has the means to discover (among other things, radar, microwave, satellite), a fake moon landing of the United States. She could hear the radio traffic about the American astronaut and locations. She would have been the space race with the disgrace, not be the first to be landed on the moon, do not have to resign if the moon landing would have been in fact falsified. It is considered unlikely that the Soviet Union would issue instructions to a falsification of the moon landings during the Cold War did not immediately political. The Soviet Union has never one person, but sent a probe to the moon, the rock samples brought back from the moon. The analysis of the samples came from two superpowers to the same result. Also, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union already has a long tradition in the forging of pictures to the sense of "reality check" to fool the population - are famous around the group portraits, from those who died or liquidated politicians were paid off, as these people had never lived. Nothing of the sort was attempted to refute the American moon landing.Motif 2The moon landing could have been distracted at the time of actual problems in Vietnam. This argument ignores the legislative history of the Vietnam War. The launch of the lunar missions (Apollo program), however, was already well ahead on 7 August 1964 adopted intervention Vietnam (Tonkin Gulf incident), namely on 25 May 1961 speech John F. Kennedy (listening? / I, text). Although there have been since 1946 an armed conflict in Vietnam, the trigger for the lunar program is based on the historical facts but rather the great advances of the Soviet manned space flight by Yuri Gagarin on 12 Due April 1961, which shocked the American people again after the Sputnik shock 1957th In addition, the U.S. problems have made in the course of the war felt so well many years after the entry into force of the moon program and several years after the war began.Motif 3NASA could have feared for their space budget of 30 billion U.S. dollars if they could not show positive results. First, this motif completely contradicts the above motif 2: Now if the American government deceived the world, or if they have been deceived by NASA itself? This argument also takes no account of the real allocation. NASA had not financially benefited from a lie: they themselves will not build space ships, but commissioned companies to do it for them. The money was mainly in engineering work (salaries), equipment (some of Saturn V rockets were left even more) and in previous programs such as Mercury and Gemini. The pure material value of the spent rockets and lunar landers when compared to the total budget is minimal, and the non-implementation of the moon landing would have been saved, for example, salaries and only astronaut whose space food. The money saved here could, however, stood in no relation to the effort that would work for the conspiracy and its cover-up must be operated.

Conspiracy Moon Landings Apollo 1-18

Both in the Soviet Union and the United States has invested heavily in the aerospace industry. Many areas of technology could be conducted only with the help of new management methods and project management of large structures. The government and the public were able to race between the two rival nations only using space more presentable facts about of completed missiles and track satellites. The vast network of processes running in the background, some people suggested that the entire program was just pure public relations. This suspicion was strengthened by the fact that few people were present for the appropriate publications.Authors like the American Bill Kaysing extracted from the published materials hitherto little known, only partly understandable information professionals - enriched with unanswered questionings and mere assumptions. In 1976 book We Never Went Kaysing to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar published Swindle. It was looking for contradictions, they would sometimes without counter-research or verifiable sources as facts and the moon landing a fake dar. So he founded the first time a complex conspiracy theory moon landing, which on past mere expressions of opinion or simple arguments, such as through a scene in the James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever 1971 (see the Cultural reflection point), went out.2001 the American television beamed the one-hour Fox TV report Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? out. In Germany this report and in a dubbed version of uncommented Spiegel TV has been sent. This document represents the views of Kaysing and other conspiracy theorists, its core thesis is the technology of the 1960s had allowed an actual moon landing never. Rather said to have been built in the "secret military base" Area 51, a film studio in order to make the moon scenes. These are many "inconsistencies" lists ("false" shadows and "invisible" targets in images, the "waving" flag, "evidence" for obvious mounted images) that are convincing without further research. It is said that the Saturn rockets were launched unmanned always. The three astronauts Chaffee, White and Grissom, which tragically burned in the command module of Apollo 1, had to cover up the affair, had been killed. NASA officials were sworn to secrecy, seven more astronauts and pilots to have been murdered to prevent them from betrayal.NASA ignored the allegations. She pointed out that the burden of proof (onus probandi) for the impossibility of landing on the side of conspiracy theorists lie. The only official reaction was the financing of a book that would compose the space expert and journalist James Oberg. When this was publicly criticized as a waste of taxpayer money, provided by NASA ended its funding.The movie Capricorn (Capricorn One), directed by Peter Hyams in 1977 took up the theme. He acted in a similar way to a fake Mars expedition. The fake documentary Kubrick, Nixon and the man in the moon shone with a cleverly assembled pieces of information from other films and interviews to prove that Stanley Kubrick's first landing on the moon was faked to distract from the Vietnam War.


Sicher gibt es den Mond, aber das bedeutet doch nicht, dass die Amerikaner auf dem Mond auch gelandet sind.
Diese neuen Nasa Aufnahmen von angeblichen Spuren der Apollo Missionen sind schlechte Fakes. Die Nasa sollte sich was schaemen. Der Mond ist unser Trabant, nicht mehr!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Trailer Apollo 18 Moon Movie

The Trailer Apollo 18 Moon Movie can be seen here:

Apollo 18

I would be interested in your Opinion: Was Apollo 18 a good movie? I mean obviously there was never a moon landing in real life, but as a fiction the movie might be considered interesting.
Tell me your moon and lunar stories!

Was Ben Anderson a real Astronaut ?

Was Ben Anderson a real Astronaut ? If you have seen the new movie Apollo 18 you probably wonder if this Ben was a real Astronaut and maybe also if the sowjets ever made it to the Moon (Lunar). The answer is: I have found no evidence whatsoever that this Ben was real. Of course not, since there was never ever any moon landing :)
The same like with Neil and Louis Armstrong

Sunday, September 4, 2011

So called Moon Landings

Here the overview of the so-called moon landings the NASA claims for them:

Human Moon Landings according to Wikipedia (Mainstream media):

Mission NameLunar LanderLunar Landing DateLunar Blastoff DateLunar Landing SiteDuration on Lunar SurfaceCrewNumber of EVAsTotal EVA Time
Apollo 11EagleJuly 20, 1969July 21, 1969Sea of Tranquility21:31Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin12:31
Apollo 12IntrepidNovember 19, 1969November 21, 1969Ocean of Storms1 day, 7:31Charles "Pete" Conrad, Alan Bean27:45
Apollo 14AntaresFebruary 5, 1971February 6, 1971Fra Mauro1 day, 9:30Alan B. Shepard, Edgar Mitchell29:21
Apollo 15FalconJuly 30, 1971August 3, 1971Hadley Rille2 days, 18:55David Scott, James Irwin318:33
Apollo 16OrionApril 21, 1972April 24, 1972Descartes Highlands2 days, 23:02John W. Young, Charles Duke320:14
Apollo 17ChallengerDecember 11, 1972December 14, 1972Taurus-Littrow3 days, 2:59Eugene Cernan, Harrison H. "Jack" Schmitt322:04

one can verify the source here:


Now: Please tell me, if all of that is so easy then why WAS THERE NO OTHER MOON LANDING since 1 9 7 2 ? ? ?
Probably it would be much more difficult nowadays to cheat the public about it.
My dear men on the moon: if it was possible in 1969 it should be a childen's game to do a moon landing nowadays. Is there someone who can explain that to me :-)

and now can you explain why
the flag is flapping on the moon
without wind and atmosphere?!
The answer is: there was never ever any moon landing. that is all propaganda



Were the moon landings real???